Embark on an epic adventure with the Cavendish Rapier (Durandal) from One Piece, a stunning replica that brings the magic of the anime to life. Measuring 41 inches, this meticulously crafted sword captures the elegant grandeur of Cavendish's original weapon, making it an essential piece for any One Piece collector.
Featuring a highly ornate design, the rapier boasts an intricately engraved guard and regal hilt adornments that showcase exceptional craftsmanship. The contoured handle not only provides a practical handguard but is accented by a polished metal end cap that elevates its aesthetic appeal.
Housed in a durable scabbard with metal fittings, this decorative sword is perfect for display, adding a touch of artistry to any collection. Please note, this sword is strictly decorative and not intended for use. Embrace the essence of One Piece and elevate your collection with this breathtaking piece.
We are located on the eastern side of West Edmonton Mall, outside of Hudson’s Bay and next to Beck Antiques.